HCNA - Hovawart Club of North America | Copyright 2025| All Rights Reserved
Objectives of HCNA
The purpose of the club is to preserve and protect the Hovawart breed:
To promote the Hovawart breed in North America by supporting breeding programs that comply with the breed standard as set down by the German Hovawart breed clubs recognized by the German Kennel Club (VDH) and the F.C.I.
To conduct and oversee Temperament Tests for any North American Hovawart seeking breeding status.
To oversee and assist in breedings of and to approved Hovawarts.
To register puppies born to approved Hovawarts in North America, and to provide official registration papers in support thereof.
To conduct sanctioned matches and specialty shows.
To do all in its power to protect and advance the interests of the breed, and to encourage sportsmanlike competition at dog shows, and obedience/Schutzhund trials.